AP High Court Recruitment 2022 Notification for 76 Court Master & Personal Secretary to Judges – Application Download
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 for 76 Court Masters & Personal Secretaries to Judges
The applications will be available on the Official Website of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh https://hc.ap.nic.in from 30.09.2022. The last date for submission of offline application is 22.10.2022.
AP High Court 2022
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 for 76 Posts – Overview
Title |
Description |
Name of the Recruitment |
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 |
Name of the Posts |
A[ High Court – Court Master & Personal Secertary to Judges and Registrators |
Vacancies in Total |
76 |
Recruitment Agency |
AP High Court |
Type of Recruitment |
AP High Court Regular Recruitment 2022 |
Name of Employment |
Permanent – Regular |
Application Method |
Last Date |
22nd Oct 2022 |
Official Website |
https://hc.ap.nic.in/ |
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 VACANCY POSITION:
The allocation of posts in favour of Open Category, Economically Weaker Sections, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Physically handicapped and Ex-Servicemen is as follows:
Name of the post | Class/ Category | No. of posts |
Open Competition (OH) | 1 | |
Open Competition (Sports) | 1 | |
Ex-Servicemen | 1 | |
EWS | 8(1 W) | |
BC-A | 5(1 W) | |
BC-B | 7(2 W) | |
BC-O | 6 (lW) | |
BC-E | 3 | |
SC | 11 (4 W) | |
ST | 5(1 W) | |
Total | 76 Posts (22 W) | |
AP HC Court Masters & Personal Secretaries Recruitment Educational Qualification
The candidates should possess all the requisite qualifications.as indicated below.
- A) A Degree in Arts or Science or Commerce of any University in India established or incorporated by or under Central Act, Provincial Act or a State Act or from any Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other Degree equivalent to such qualification.
- B) A pass in 180 w.p.m. Speed in English Shorthand examination, conducted by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education, or such other qualification as may be considered by the Hon’ble Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification. However, candidates who have passed 150 w.p.m. in Shorthand English also can apply.
- C) A pass in Typewriting by Higher Grade examination in English, (with a speed of 45 words per minute.) conducted by the A.P. State Board of Technical Education or any other qualification as may be considered by the Hon’ble Chief Justice to be equivalent to the said qualification.
- D) Preference will be given to candidates possessing Computer skills.
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 – CM – PS Posts Salary Details
The said post carries the time scale of pay of Rs. 57100-1580-60260-1700- 65360-1830-70850-1960-76730-2090-83000-2240-89720-2390-96890-2540-104510- 2700-112610-2890-121280-3100-130580-3320-140540-3610-147760.
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 AGE LIMIT:
1. As on 01.07.2022, the candidate must have completed the age of 18 years and must not have completed the age of 42 years.
2. The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and Economically Weaker Sections is 5 years. In case of persons with disabilities they shall be given age relaxation of 10 years.
4. The relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of persons under sports quota will be as prescribed for the candidates’ as per their respective class/category.
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 EXAMINATION FEE:
The applicants who belong to OC, E.W.S., and BC categories have to pay examination fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only), whereas candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, PH and Ex-Servicemen have to pay an amount of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only).
The examination fee once paid will not be refunded even if the application is rejected for any reason, or the recruitment notification is cancelled for any reason.
The applications shall be submitted in the prescribed proforma with three latest passport size color photographs (one photograph to be pasted at the right top corner of the application duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and the other two photographs to be pasted on the hall ticket original and duplicate) along with attested copies of academic and technical qualifications viz.;
- 1) Date of birth (S.S.C. or equivalent)
- 2) Degree Certificate.
- 3) Shorthand English High Speed with 180 w.p.m. or 150 w.p.m.
- 4) Typewriting English Higher Grade.
- 5) Community Certificate in case SCs, STs, BCs, and E.W.S. (issued, by the competent authority as per Government Rules).
- 6) Non-creamy layer latest (2021/2022) certificate, valid on the date of notification in terms of G.O.Ms. No.32, Backward Classes Welfare (C.2) Department, dated 04.04.2006 and G.O.Ms.No.26, Backward Classes Welfare (C) Department, dated 09.12.2013 and as per the income ceiling which is in force on the date of notification.
- 7) The applicants who intend to claim reservation under the Physically Challenged category shall submit the certificate issued by the Medical Board specifying the nature of disability and percentage of disability.
- 8) The applicants who intend to claim reservation under Ex-servicemen category shall submit discharge certificate.
- 9) No Objection Certificate from the employer (if employed anywhere).
- 10) The candidates have to produce original certificates on the day of interview itself. If any candidate fails to produce any of the required certificates, his/her candidature will be rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
- 11) Applications submitted without attaching the attested copies of the above certificates will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
AP High Court Recruitment 2022 Selection Process & Exam Pattern
- The selection process will be on the basis of merit, evaluated by tests in Shorthand English 180 w.p.m. (3 minutes duration) and 150 w.p.m. (4 minutes duration). The transcription is to be done on computers within 40 and 45 minutes respectively.
- The test will be for 100 marks each for Shorthand English 180 w.p.m. and 150 w.p.m. and 20 marks for oral interview.
- The candidates qualified in the Shorthand English Examination comprising of dictation and transcription will be called for oral interview.
- The examination will be conducted on 19.11.2022, and interviews for the qualified candidates will be commenced from 25.11.2022.
- The result of the examination will be announced on 30.11.2022 and same will be uploaded on the official website of High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
How to APPLY for AP High Court Recruitment 2022
- 1) He/She is not a citizen of India;
- 2) He/She does not have good character, and not free from any infirmity, which renders him/her, unfit for such appointment;
- 3) He/She has been dismissed from service by any High Court, Government and Statutory or Local Authority;
- 4) He/She has been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude;
- 5) He/She has been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission from appearing for examinations or selections conducted by it in the selection process for any post in public service;
- 6) He/She attempts to directly or indirectly influence the Recruiting Authority by any means for his/her candidature
Application Procedure
The duly filled-in application should be sent duly superscripting on the envelope as “Application for the post of Court Mater and Personal Secretary to the Hon’ble Judges and Registrars, by direct recruitment” along with Demand Draft and self addressed envelope affixing Rs.30/- postage stamps, addressed to the Registrar (Administration), High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Nelapadu, Amaravati, Guntur District, Pin-522239 on or before 22.10.2022 by 5.00 p.m.
The applications received without the requisite enclosures will be summarily rejected and the applications received after the due date, for any reason, will not be entertained.
The Appointing Authority reserves the right to increase or decrease the vacancies according to the exigency.
The Appointing Authority reserves the right to cancel or otherwise the notification without assigning any reason.
All rights are reserved with the Appointing Authority to reject the application of any candidate, at any stage, if it is found that the statements made therein are false and the applications are liable for summary rejection and the applicants are also liable for prosecution for furnishing such false information.
No T.A. and D.A. will be paid to the candidates appearing for written examination/oral interview.