AP Housing for All 2025 House Site Patta Scheme Guidelines GO 23

Lands– Guidelines for distribution of house site pattas under the flagship programme “Housing for All” @ 3 cents in Rural areas and @ 2 cents in Urban areas – Orders-Issued.Guidelines for distribution of House Site Pattas under the Scheme Housing for All [ Andariki Illu], Eligibility for Housing for All [ Andariki Illu], How to Apply for Andariki Illu, Method of Selection for Housing for All. REVENUE (LANDS.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 23 Dated: 27-01-2025

AP Housing for All [అందరికీ ఇల్లు] 2025 House Site Patta Scheme Guidelines GO 23

AP Housing for All [అందరికీ ఇల్లు] 2025 House Sites Scheme Guidelines [Released] GO 23 . Lands– Guidelines for distribution of house site pattas under the flagship programme “Housing for All” @ 3 cents in Rural areas and @ 2 cents in Urban areas – Orders-Issued.

Guidelines for distribution of House Site Pattas under the Scheme Housing for All [ Andariki Illu], Eligibility for Housing for All [ Andariki Illu], How to Apply for Andariki Illu, Method of Selection for Housing for All.  REVENUE (LANDS.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 23 Dated: 27-01-2025

AP Housing for All [అందరికీ ఇల్లు] House Sites Guidelines [Released] GO 23

Lands– Guidelines for distribution of house site pattas under the flagship programme “Housing for All” @ 3 cents in Rural areas and @ 2 cents in Urban areas – Orders-Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 23 Dated: 27-01-2025

  • 1.From the M.D., APSHCL Letter No.1753/DEE(G)/E&P/House site pattas/2024, Dated:11.08.2024 through the Housing Department e file No. HOU01- SHCL/107/2024-RUH (C.No. 2524585 ).
  • 2. From the CCLA & Spl.C.S Lr.No.Assn.1/2665041/2024, Dt.13.01.2025 .


In the reference 1st read above, the Managing Director, APSHCL has requested to communicate to issue detailed guidelines to the District Collectors for allotting House Site pattas under the flagship programme ” Housing for All “.

2) In the reference 2nd read above, the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration & Special Chief Secretary to Government, Andhra Pradesh has submitted the draft Policy Guidelines for distribution of house site pattas under the flagship programme “Housing for All” @ 3 Cents in Rural areas and @ 2 Cents in Urban areas.

3) Government after careful examination of the matter hereby issue the Guidelines for distribution of house site pattas under the flagship programme “Housing for All” @ 3 cents in Rural areas and @ 2 cents in Urban areas which is annexed to this order.

4) The Chief Commissioner of Land Administration & Special Chief Secretary, Andhra Pradesh shall take further necessary action accordingly in the matter.

5) This policy will come into effect from the date of issue of the order.

Guidelines for House Site Pattas – Housing for All

(To G.O.Ms.No.23 , Revenue(Lands-I) Department, dated: 27 .01.2025)
Guidelines  for   distribution  of  house  site  pattas  under  the  flagship programme “Housing for All”.

(To G.O.Ms.No.23 , Revenue(Lands-I) Department, dated: 27 .01.2025)

Guidelines for distribution of house site pattas under the flagship programme “Housing for All”.

To provide House Site Pattas to the Homeless Poor People in Rural/ Urban areas in order to facilitate the construction of a Pucca House under the flagship programme “HOUSING FOR ALL” .


A) Rural Area:

  • i. One House Site Patta shall be issued for an extent of 3 Cents to an eligible household in the name of woman beneficiary of the house.
  • ii. The Housing Department shall issue sanction for construction of Individual Housing Unit to the eligible beneficiary under the available schemes.

B) Urban Area:

  • i. House Site Patta shall be issued for an extent of 2 Cents as individual plot wherever Government land is available to an eligible beneficiary in the name of the woman of the house.
  • ii. In case of Urban areas wherever Government land is not available, and wherever lands are acquired, housing units will be constructed and handed over to the beneficiaries by APTIDCO/ULB/other Government agency under the available schemes.

3. The State shall execute a conveyance deed for the house site conveying the approval of freehold rights in future (effective from the date of completion of 10 years from the date of assignment) subject to the compliance of Sec-3 of A.P. Assigned lands (POT) Act,1977 (Amendment Act No. 6 of 2024).

4. The eligible beneficiary shall be given House site only once in a lifetime.

5. House shall be constructed by the beneficiary within two years from the date of grant of house site patta/execution of conveyance deed/ sanction of house whichever is later.

6. Plots shall be linked with Aadhar/Ration card so as to avoid duplication of beneficiaries and the data base shall be maintained for future purposes also.

7. ELIGIBILITY for Housing for All: 
The following eligibility conditions are to be strictly adhered to for identification of eligible beneficiaries in Rural and Urban Areas.

  • i. The beneficiary shall belong to the identified Below Poverty Line (BPL) category household having white ration card.
  • ii. The beneficiary shall not have an own House/House Site anywhere in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
  • iii. The beneficiary shall not be eligible for issue of house site patta, if he/she has been sanctioned or issued house site patta earlier under any of the schemes of the State Government or Government of India.
  • iv. The Beneficiary shall not have been covered in any previous Housing Scheme of the State/Central Government.
  • v. Households having agricultural land not exceeding Ac.5.00 cts dry or Ac.2.50 cts wet or total land both dry and wet together not exceeding Ac.5.00 cts are eligible.
  • vi. The beneficiary shall possess a valid Aadhaar Card. Aadhaar details shall be collected only with the consent of beneficiary.
  • vii. In case, earlier a house site was allotted to the beneficiary, but possession was not shown due to court cases amount not paid for LA, new house site for 3 / 2 cents in Rural/Urban areas may be allotted duly cancelling the earlier allotment of House Site patta.
  • viii. In case, earlier house site allotted but beneficiary not willing to construct the house, as it is far away from the habitation/nearby Burial grounds/ Low laying areas/given in another village etc., in entire layout and the earlier allotment may be cancelled and new house site for 3 / 2 cents in Rural/ Urban may be allotted afresh to the beneficiary in the same village or suitable lands.
  • ix. In cases, wherein the beneficiaries have not constructed houses in part of the layout, earlier house site patta may be cancelled and new house site patta for 3 / 2 cents in Rural/ Urban may be allotted afresh to the beneficiary
  • x. In cases of random plots which are vacant in a layout or in cases of resumption the earlier allotment shall be cancelled and may be allotted to a willing eligible beneficiary for 1.5 cents in rural and 1 cent in urban.

8. METHOD OF SELECTION for Housing for All:

  • a. The Applications shall be invited at Village/Ward Level considering village/town as a unit respectively.
  • b. All applications shall be enquired by the VRO/RI for adherence to the eligibility conditions, as prescribed.
  • c. The draft List of identified eligible beneficiaries shall be published at Village/Ward Secretariat calling for further claims & objections.
  • d. Grama/Ward Sabha shall be conducted to finalise the list of beneficiaries duly redressing the claims & objections,
  • e. The final list of beneficiaries shall be submitted for approval of the District Collector by the Tahsildars and Municipal Commissioners in the Rural and Urban areas respectively.
  • f. The final list of beneficiaries approved by the District Collector shall be published in the respective Village/Ward Secretariat.
  • g. In case of any further claims or objections, the Tahsildar/Municipal Commissioner shall function as the redressal officer duly taking approval from the District Collector.
  • h. In case suitable land is not available in the village for the grant of House site pattas, but is available in neighbouring village/villages, the District Collector may as a special case, permit the same.


The District Collectors shall identify:

  • a. All available Government lands,
  • b. Lands under the possession of Government institutions/ corporations and other Government bodies which are far beyond their requirement, considering that the said lands are suitable for providing house sites shall be resumed as per procedure,
  • c. Lands available in the industrial parks developed by APIIC which are suitable for House sites/ Housing Units shall be utilised for industrial labour,
  • d. Lands that can be made available under land pooling scheme,
  • e. Eligible Beneficiaries possessing Own Sites in Gramakantam shall be identified for construction of Houses by issuing possession certificates.
  • f. House sites issued previously by various departments that remain unutilized and kept vacant without construction of houses shall be identified for this purpose and resumed following due procedure.
  • g. The District Collectors shall identify landowners who are willing to donate their lands for this noble cause i.e, housing programme for needy homeless people in the society.
  • h. The District Collectors are instructed to take up land acquisition either by purchase through negotiation or through compulsory acquisition as a last resort only after exhausting all other possibilities.
  • i. The Assigned lands shall be resumed for this purpose only in rare cases when no other alternative land is available. The compensation shall be paid as per existing guidelines.

10. The Village or Town shall be taken as a Unit for identification of suitable lands for providing house sites.

11. The District Collectors shall handover the identified Government Lands to the Housing/MA&UD Departments in the Rural/ Urban areas respectively.

12. Housing/MA&UD Departments shall prepare layouts as per norms in the identified Government Lands handed over by the Revenue Department, so as to avoid delay for distribution of House Site Pattas. The Village/Town shall be maintained as a unit.

13. The Department of Survey and Land Records shall assist in identification of land, Survey, Sub-division, preparation of layouts and peg-marking.


Budgetary support shall be provided by the Revenue Department to the District Collectors for the following activities:

  • a. Payment of compensation for land acquisition.
  • b. Preparation of layouts & plotting of individual sites.
  • c. Other contingencies arising for implementation of the program.


a. The allotment of House Site Patta will be cancelled immediately in case, if it is established that the same has been obtained by fraud or suppression of facts. The cancelled House Site Patta will be allotted to other eligible beneficiary.

b. The allotment of House Site Patta will be cancelled in cases wherever, the beneficiary has not constructed the house within two years as per the condition laid down at para 5 of this policy guidelines.

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