PAPER – I (150M)
- Major Current Events and Issues pertaining to International, National and State of Andhra Pradesh.
- General Science and its applications to the day to day life
Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and Information
Technology. - History of India – emphasis will be on broad general understanding
of the subject in its social, economic, cultural and political aspects
with a focus on AP and Indian National Movement. - Geography of India with focus on Andhra Pradesh.
- Indian polity and Governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and e-Governance initiatives.
- Indian Economy and planning
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and
mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the
assessment of Disaster - Logical reasoning, analytical ability and logical interpretation.
- Data Analysis: Tabulation of data Visual representation of data
Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics such as mean, median, mode and
variance) and Interpretation.
PAPER – II (150M)
EDUCATION – I (Degree standard)
- Nature and scope of philosophical and sociological foundations of
- Idealism; Naturalism; pragmatism; Realism; existentialism;
- Gandhi; Tagore; Aurobindo; Vivekananda; Jiddu Krishna Murthy;
- Socialization and Education; Social change and education; Culture
and education; Modernization and education; Equality of Educational
opportunities; Education of Weaker sections.
Relationship between Educational Psychology. Nature and scope of Educational Psychology. Methods of Educational Psychology.
Principles of Growth and development. Stages of development –
infancy, childwood, Adolescence and aspects of development – Physical,
Mental, social and Emotional and its Educational implications to
classroom teaching and education.
Nature of learning, theories of learning (Behavioral, Cognitive and
social) and its Relevance to classroom teaching, learning and
motivation; Various methods of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) and
its applications for classroom teaching.
Individual difference and its assessment.
Meaning and significance of the study of individual differences.
Inter and intra individual difference and its assessment. Concept of
personality and its assessment (projective and Non-projective methods).
Understanding and helping learners with special needs – poor achievers,
under achievers, low-level of intellectual functioning; giftedness and
creativity. Need and significance of guidance and counseling in schools.
Statistics – concept and its need for understanding behavior of
learners and teachers. Measures of central tendency. Measures of
variability. Correlation and various methods of computing correlation.
Trends in Education
- Universalization of Education – significance, constitutional
guarantee, problems involved in implementing. Quality of primary
Education -Minimum level of learning approach. - Wastage and stagnation in Education – Meaning, causes, problems and remedial measures.
- Adult Education and Functional literacy – Meaning, scope, problems involved and strategies for remedial action.
- Non-formal Education – contemporary significance, problems,
methodology, motivational aspect and implementation. - School and community relationships – need and importance, ways of
bringing their together, making use of community resources persons, some
practical strategies to facilitate appropriate relationships. - Medium of instruction – problem, Language in India, Three language
formula, its implications and difficulties in implementing the formula. - Family life and population Education – the problem, objectives at
secondary level creating awareness, difficulties in implementing,
strategies to spread right type of family life and population education. - Moral Education – meaning and scope, approaches to Moral Education,
difference between Moral and Religious Education, Practical work. - National and emotional integration – meaning, nature, problems,
Implementation celebrating national days and role of school and
teachers. - International understanding – education for peace, disarmament and
coexistence, meaning, nature, significance, developing a broader
perspective in the mind students. - Education of the socially and culturally disadvantaged – meaning –
significance problems, equality of opportunity and strategies to
implement meaningful programme. - Lifelong Education – Meaning, need and scope, approach and role of
- Teacher Education – Pre-Service and in-Service – Professional Organizations
- Vocational Education and Vocationalisation of Education.
- Common Entrance Examinations and centralized admissions into the basic courses in Andhra Pradesh.
- Recommendations of various Education Commissions and Committees.
PAPER – III (150M) EDUCATION – II (Degree Standard)
- Current trends and challenges in Education
- Innovation in Education
- Measurements and evaluation
- Inclusive Education
- Information and Communication Technology in the field of Education
- Educational administration and supervision
- Gender Sensitization: Gender-Equality, Equity and Empowerment of women, Urbanization and Migration, Life skills
- Environmental Education
- Schemes and reforms in Educational sector in Andhra Pradesh and India
- Perspectives in Education
- History of Education
- Teacher Empowerment
- Educational Concerns in contemporary India
- Democracy and Education, Equality, Equity, Quality in Education, Quality of Educational opportunities
- Economics of Education, Education as human capital, Education and Human Resource development, Literacy-Saakshar Bharat Mission
- Population Education
- Role of Education in view of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization
- Value Education, Peace Education
- Programme and Projects – APPEP, DPEP, SSA, National Programme for
Education of Girls at elementary level (NPEGEL), RMSA, Rashtriya
Aveshkar Abhiyan (RAA), KGBVs, Model Schools. - Incentives and special provisions
- Acts/Rights: RTE Act-2009, RTI Act-2005, Child Rights and Human Rights
- National curriculum frame work – 2005
- National Educational Policy – 2020
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