


CFMS( Comprehensive Financial Management System) -Salaries for E Kuber – Paperless Transactions


a)Drawing officer level

1. Maker (accountant)

How to prepare the bills? track the bill?

How to upload the attachments?

How to add beneficiary , vendors & observer checklist either mandatory or not?

2. Checker( accountant/ superintendent)

Check the bills along with attachments , lags ,  & send it to  submitter.

3.submitter (Drawing officer)

How to separate and disperse the bills through head of accounts to makers?

How to send the prepared bills to the treasury office?

 and also RBI directly send the credited & non credited amounts of beneficiaries with remarks to DDO’s. 

      More responsibility given to the drawing officer through this system.

b)In treasury office level

4. Auditor (accountant)

Check the bills thoroughly by seeing attachments and cross check through new employee ID given by SAP , amounts in downloads & verify lags etc.

    post writings , save and Send the bill to verifier.

5. Verifier( accountant/ sto/ato)

Verifier observe the bill and see all the attachments , checklist and send it again to approver by writing post ,save &  send and  also send back it to auditor ( if any errors occurred)..

verifier was not a mandatory in Sub Treasury offices. 

6. Approver (sto/ato/DD)

Plays a vital role in SAP, he also verify the bill and approve (all approved bills connected to central system/server & directly credited by RBI with remarks- e kubher) , if it was not correct he reject the bill – he is the only person to reject the bill and it will directly goes to Drawing officer’s interface , DDO will generate bill again  with new id by maker.

above all 6 levels can track the bill using tracker ( short cut to search a bill on live)..


Approver has three interfaces, 

1. Passing the bills,

2. Play a drawing officer role by giving Different DDO codes , different head of accounts combinations to makers to create the bills.

3. As a treasury officer giving office orders to auditor’s and verifiers by time to time..

   so many things discussed  by DTA staff at Nagarjuna University  was worthy and very cautious.

help desk also available soon in  stages (DTO, DTA level).

Finally SAP was amazing , paper less , no records, no ledgers, no pd portal, no flyleaf,no SLO, no tbr, no watch registers, no CINB, FIFO system to each DDO each HOA separately, each bill send through finger print.



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