Engaging of Sanitary workers in the Schools / Junior colleges towards maintenance of toilets in the schools/ Junior Colleges under Toilets Maintenance Fund­ Guidelines

Engaging of Sanitary workers in the Schools / Junior colleges towards maintenance of toilets in the schools/ Junior Colleges under Toilets Maintenance Fund­ Guidelines

In all Govt. Schools and all Government Junior colleges, toilet care taker hereafter called as Ayah shall be positioned for the purpose  of  cleaning and up-keeping  the toilets clean and to  set

  1. The parents Committees/ College Development Committees (CDC) will engage Ayah for toilet cleaning based on the students strength,  is  as follows
  •  Upto 300 student –  I Ayah
  • 301 to 600 students –  2 Ayahs
  • 601 to 900 students – 3 Ayahs
  • More than 900 – 4 Ayahs
  • No Aaya shall be positioned if there are no toilets in the school / Junior Colleges once toilets are constructed, Ayah shall be positioned

2.    Eligibility criteria for the engagement  of  Ayahs are  as foll ow s;

  1. The Ayah shall be woman and the resident of  local habitation  in rural areas and the resident within ward in case of urban areas (Municipal corporations and Municipalities). In case of toilets in boys Jr. Colleges, male sanitary worker may be engaged by
  2. She shall belong to SC/ ST/ BC/Minori ti
  3. She shall be preferably one of the mothers of the students studying in  the school/
  4. She shall be in the age group of 21-50
  5. Existing /working Ayahs shall continue with the approval of Parents committee/CDC, if the existing Ayah is less than 60 years (However, they also enter into  MoU  with  Parents  committee/ College Development Committee)

03) Further, all  the  District  Educational  Officers  /  District  Vocational Educational Officers are also noted that, the Ayahs  shall  be  engaged  for rendering their service by the parents committee/CDC only and they are not engaged by either the Government or the Schools. The Ayahs  are  engaged  by the parent s committee/ College Development Committee for maintaining  the toilets for the welfare of the students of the parents in the respective schools/ Jr Colleges. The parents committee/ College Development Committee may give the honorarium of Rs.6000/- per Ayah in both  rural  and  urban  areas.  The Honorarium may be paid full for 10 months and may be paid half for two months during vacation. The Ayah shall clean the toilets once in a  day  durin g  the vacation also.

  1. The Parents committee/ CDC will engage the Ayahs for a period of 12 months initially and the parents committee/ CDC may extend the services of the Ayahs on mutual consent and on the basis of performance of the Ayah. The parents committee may enter an MoU with Ayah.
  2. Parents Committee/ CDC can terminate the Ayah based on the reasons like non-performance, conduct Issues etc. with one month advance notice. The resolution with reasons should be recorded in the Parents Committees/  CDC  m inut es Parents committee/ CDC shall constitute the Toilet maintenance committee to  select Ayahs as per  the  Eligibility  criteria prescribed  above in a t ranspar ent manner and to monitor the toilet maint enance with the following members. The Committee shall meet once in a fortnight and review the toilets maintenance.
  • Head Master / Principal Three PC members (Chair­person, two active members/ CDC members)
  • Engg. Asst from Grama/Ward Sachivalayam Educational Asst from Grama/Ward Sachivalayam One      designated       teacher/ -Convenor
  • One female teacher
  • One senior Girl student viii One senior boy student

The parents committee/ CDC will procure one cleaning mop and bathroom cleaner cum sanitizer concentrate locall y for toilet maintenance for February and March months.The cleaning materials & Tools will be given Centrally  from April  1st onwards. Separate detailed SoP for role of different functionaries and procedures  will be issue shortly.

  1. B) Regarding School TMF, the Parents committee/ CDCs shall open separate account for School Toilet Maintenance Fund (STMF), preferably in state owned banks. The Account shall be jointly operated by HM/ Pr in cipal, PC/ CDC chairperson and Sachivalayam/ward Education Asst. If the account is already available (opened to keep Ammavodi Donations), the same account  will be utilized  by adding the  Educational & Welfare Assistant of the concerned village & Ward. The parents Committee shall pass a resolution and record minutes along with the amount available in the account and the transactions  done so far, in this regard.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers / District  Vocation Educational Officers are instructed to follow the above guidelines on engaging of Ayahs in the schools and  ensure that  the instructions  are  follow  scrupulously; any deviations in this regard will be viewed seriously. Action taken report should reach  within 7 days from  the date of  receipt of this Memo.

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