Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers

Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers

Key Points On Firki Maths TPD Blended Course

  • ఈ శిక్షణ కేఆర్పీ లకు సెప్టెంబర్ 20న మొదలు అయ్యి, నవంబర్ 8వ తేదీ తో ముగుస్తుంది.
  • ట్రైనీ లకు సెప్టెంబర్ 26న మొదలు అయ్యి, నవంబర్ 23వ తేదీ తో ముగుస్తుంది.
  • ఈ కోర్సును ఫిర్కీ మొబైల్ యాప్ ద్వారా కానీ, వెబ్సైట్ ద్వారా కానీ పూర్తి చేయవచ్చును.
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  • ఈ కోర్స్ లో ఒక యాక్టివిటీ పూర్తి చేస్తేనే తరువాతి యాక్టివిటీ ఓపెన్ అవుతుంది.
  • కోర్స్ లో మొదటగా Pre Test – 13 ప్రశ్నలకు సమాధానలు సబ్మిట్ చేసి పూర్తి చేయాలి. ఒక అటెంప్ట్ కు మాత్రమే అవకాశం. మార్కులు తక్కువ వచ్చాయని మళ్ళీ సబ్మిట్ చేయడానికి ఉండదు.
  • Pre Test పూరి చేశాక Module-1 ఓపెన్ అవుతుంది.
  • Module-1 అనేది కూడికలు, తీసివేతలు, గుణకారాలు, భాగాహారలకు సంబంధించినది.
  • Module-1 లో నాలుగు యూనిట్లు కలవు. ప్రతి యూనిట్ లో వీడియో లు ఉంటాయి.
  • ఈ వీడియోలను చూస్తూ, మధ్యలో డిస్ప్లే అయ్యే ప్రశ్నలకు సమాధానాలు సెలెక్ట్ చేసుకోవాలి. దీక్షా యాప్ లో వీడియోలను చివరకు డ్రాగ్ చేసినట్లు, ఈ యాప్ లో కుదరదు. పూర్తి గా వీడియో చూడవలసినదే. కాకపోతే, వీడియో ప్లేబ్యాక్ స్పీడ్ ను పెంచుకోవచ్చు.
  • Module-1 హ్యాండ్ ఔట్ డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు. హ్యాండ్ ఔట్ మీద రెండు ప్రశ్నలను క్విజ్ రూపం లో అడుగుతారు.
  • Module-1 సమ్మరీ కూడా డౌన్లోడ్ చేసుకోవచ్చు.
  • Module-1 మీద 10 ప్రశ్నలతో క్విజ్ ఉంటుంది.
  • Module-1 లో క్విజ్ వరకు మాత్రమే మీరు ఇప్పటి వరకు పూర్తి చేయగలిగేది.
  • క్విజ్ తరువాత PLC Assignment అనేది October 16వ తేదీ తర్వాత మాత్రమే ఓపెన్ చేయబడుతుంది. అప్పటి వరకు కోర్స్ పూర్తి చేయడానికి ఉండదు.
  • PLC Assignment మీద ఫీడ్ బ్యాక్, Module-1 మీద ఫీడ్ బ్యాక్ పూర్తి చెయడం తో Module-1 పూర్తి అవుతుంది.
  • తదుపరి, ఇదే క్రమలో Module-2 ను కూడా పూర్తి చేయవలసి ఉంటుంది.

Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers

It contains 13 questions only. These are all multiple choice questions.

1.Students were asked to write equivalent fractions of 1/2.

They wrote it as 2/4, 3/6. When asked to explain the reasoning behind this. They were unable to justify their reasoning. Which of the following proficiencies do the students lack in?

The correct answer is: Adaptive Reasoning and Conceptual Understanding

2.The teacher asks the following questions to the student after he solved a word problem-

 a) What steps did you take to solve the question?

 b) How did you verify that your solution was correct? 

Which of the following processes is the teacher encouraging through this activity?

The correct answer is: Reasoning

3.A teacher has asked a student to represent 42 using dienes blocks.

The student represents it by counting the individual cubes of 1s instead of using grouped pieces of 10s.

Which of the following ideas of teaching place value should the teacher focus on to help the student?

The correct answer is: Base 10 system

4.When asked to write 941 in expanded form. the student writes the following – 941= 9+4+1.

Which of the following activities will be helpful in this situation?

The correct answer is: Using place value chart while reading 941

5.Ms. Reddy presented her class with the following word problem:

“There were 70 marbles on the table. Prasad took away 25 marbles. How many marbles are left on the table?” 

Which of the following best describes the structure of this word problem?

The correct answer is: Change Problem (Result Unknown)

6.A student uses the following method to solve 230-167:

Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers
Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers

Which of the following methods is the student using to solve the problem?

The correct answer is: Using student invented strategies

7.Identify the errors student made in solving the following problem –

Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers
Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers

The correct answer is: Mistake in borrowed value

8.Ms. Malini is presenting a word problem to her 4th-grade class:

“Sumit has 14 boxes of crayons. Each box contains 12 crayons. How many crayons does Sumit have in total?” 

Which type of problem structure does this scenario represent?

The correct answer is: Equal Group Problem

9.A teacher encourages students to think of different ways to solve 24X3. The students solve it in the following ways-

Student 1:-  24+24+24

Student 2 :-   (20X3) + (4X3)

Which of the following methods is the teacher using to teach multiplication to students?

The correct answer is: Using student invented strategies

10.When reviewing student work on multiplication,

Ms. Lasya notices that some students are incorrectly placing the digits during multiplication problems. For instance, while solving 25 x 8, they write the product as 1640. What potential misconception might Ms. Lasya’s students have?

The correct answer is: Students lack an understanding of place value concepts, particularly tens and ones

11.Why is it important for students to be exposed to the various meanings and constructs of fractions when learning about them?

The correct answer is: Because it helps deal with student misconceptions

12.Which model would you categorise the following question under?

 Hema’s mother gave 5 biscuits to Hema and her brother Gopi. Then Hema shared these 5 biscuits in this way.

The correct answer is: Set Model

13.Vijaya asks the students to represent 5.6 on a number line. Which of the following concepts is she targeting with this question?

The correct answer is: Role of decimal point


Module 1: Teaching Numbers and Operations

Unit 1 : Introduction Video – 3 Answers for Questions

  1. Conceptual understanding is correct because it refers to an integrated and functional grasp of mathematical ideas.
  2. Procedural fluency is correct because it deals with the knowledge of procedures, knowledge of when and how to use them appropriately, and skill in performing them flexibly, accurately, and efficiently.
  3. This scenario best exemplifies SEL and mathematical processes integrated as working in pairs, students develop skills of supporting each other, teamwork and communication skills.

Unit 2: Place Value Video – 3 Question and Answers

  1. Kunal sir notices that his Grade 3 students are struggling with “carry over” when adding numbers like 47 and 56. They keep forgetting that when the sum in the ones place exceeds 9, they need to move to the tens place. What activity could help his students grasp this concept better? Correct Answer: Using base-ten blocks
  2. Nageshwar Sir struggles with finding the best suitable method to explain students comparing the numbers : 1125, 980 and 1900. How are benchmark numbers helpful in understanding the magnitude of numbers ? Correct Answer: Useful as point of reference to compare numbers
  3. Madhumati Ma’am wants to teach students that decomposing a number helps in estimation. How should she explain this ? Correct Answer: By using friendly components to decompose

Unit 3: Addition & Subtraction Video – 3 Answers for Questions

  1. This is a change problem because the result quantity is unknown here.
  2. Spaced repetition helps students to retain math procedures over the long time.
  3. A student has solved the following question: ‘57 + 66 = 1113’. incorrectly. What would you suggest the teacher: this question has 2 answers

Ans 1: Use manipulative to model the problem and estimate a reasonable answer

Ans 2: Solve the question for the student using standard algorithm

Demonstration video – Subtraction – 1 Question

Unfortunately, after completion of this video – Question or Answer is not dipsplaying. So, we are unable to provide Question answer for this activity.

Unit 4: Multiplication & Division – 3 Answers for Questions.

  1. This is a comparison problem because it requires determining how many times greater Maya’s quantity is than Arjun’s.
  2. Invented strategies help in empowering students to find personalized, practical approaches to problem-solving.
  3. The box method will help Kamala see how each digit works with the others in a clear and organized way, making it easier to understand place values.

Demonstration Video -Division – 1 Answer for Question

Teacher used Estimating quotients strategy

Handout for module 1

No Question for this section. Just download this handout to complete activity.

Questions on Handout Module 1 – 2Questions and Answers

Question 1: Which of the following activities mentioned in the Handout is a dice game on Addition and Subtraction?

Answer: How Many Ways

Question 2: In the handout, what is the ‘Tug of War’ helpful for –

Answer: Exploration of Addition and Subtraction

Summary – Module 1

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Quiz of Module 1 :  10 Questions and Answers

Question 1 : Which activity best exemplifies strategic competence?

Ans: Understanding and representing a word problem mathematically and solving it

Question 2 : Hema is asked to add 598 and 651 and gets 12,490 for the answer. They realise that 500+600 is only 1,100, so the answer cannot be right. Which of the following proficiencies is the student able to master?

Ans: Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency

Question 3 : The big idea on ‘Saying Numbers in Each Decade’ in place value is related to:

Ans: Helping students observe that the tens place digit changes while the units place follows the 0-9 sequence.

Question 4 : Satya Sir asks his students to write six thousand and eighty-one. One of his students has written it as 600081. What can be a possible strategy to help the child?

Ans: Giving students exchange activities and Place Value Cards using base-10 model

Question 5 : A box has 5 rows of juice cans with 7 in each row. How many juice cans are there in total?  The above question belongs to which problem structure?

Ans: Array and Area Problem

Question 6 : Mr. Anirudh notices that several of his students are struggling with solving the following word problem:

“In a city, there are 200 car showrooms. Each showroom has 50 cars. However, only 10 cars in each dealership are available for sale. Out of these 250 cars are green in colour. How many cars are there in the city?” 

Which of the following strategies should he apply to help his students?

Ans: Help students breakdown a problem by identifying key information

Question 7 : Kavita interprets

Firki Maths TPD Blended Course Pre Test Quiz Questions and Answers
as “7 divided by 68”. What could be the reason for this misconception?

Ans: Using left-to-right order of reading the number

Question 8 : Choose the correct problem structure for the given question – Ayush read 110 pages of a book on Monday. By the end of the week he completed 300 pages of that book. How many pages did he read from tuesday till the end of the week?

Ans: Change unknown problem structure

Question 9 : Ramesh sir gave 1 worksheet on addition every week to the students. The number range for the sums used in the worksheet kept increasing every week. What aspect of computation fluency he was aiming to achieve?

Ans: Varying level of numbers helps to build computational fluency.

Question 10 : Anand’s 3rd-grade student solved the problem 42 – 17 = 59. Upon reviewing the work, Anand identified a misconception. What is the misconception the student might be exhibiting?

Ans: Difficulty differentiating between addition and subtraction symbols (+) and (-)

Module 2: Teaching Fractional Numbers

Unit 5: Fractions Video – 3 Questions and Answers

Question 1: A teacher presents the following math problem to their class: “You have a ribbon that is 4 meters long. You cut the ribbon into pieces that are each 1/2 meter long. How many pieces do you get?” Which meaning of fraction does this problem denote?

Answer: Fractions as Measurement (Measurement, because the length of each piece is used to determine how many pieces fit into the whole ribbon.)

Question 2: If the given rectangle is defined as 1 whole, what do the parts represent ?

Answer: These parts are not congruent and have equal area (The whole is in form of area, when it is didvided into fractions everytime all parts have equal areas but need not to be congruent in shape.)

Question 3: A student is able to determine the number of times the smaller part fits into the whole in the below image. Which concept has the student mastered?

Answer: Iterating (Iterating involves counting of fractional parts. This helps students understand the relationship between the parts and the whole.)

Demonstration Video -Fractions – 1Question and Answer

Question 1: Which of the following strategies was modelled by the teacher in the video ? (You can choose multiple responses.)

Answer: Using fraction strips to convert mixed fractions into improper fractions and Using visual representations

Unit 6: Decimals Video – 3 Questions and Answers

Question 1: A student marks ones as the smallest unit on the number line. What would you suggest to the teacher who is correcting the notebook?

Answer: Model place value of numbers on both side of decimal (Place-value system extends infinitely in both directions, to very small values and to very large values.)

Question 2: When given 0.46 and 0, a student chooses 0 as larger. How can such an error be addressed ?

Answer: Explaining how to compare decimal number with zero (A zero is less than a decimal number.)

Question 3: Laxmi was modelling the fraction ‘15/100‘ by drawing it on a circular wheel, reading it as one tenths and five hundredths and writing it as 0.15. She is focusing of which of the essential component of teaching decimals?

Answer:  Making connections between fractions and decimals (Using visual models for areas like circular grid and reading them both as fractions and decimals helps to make connections between the two.)

Demonstration Video -Decimals – 1 Question and Answer

Question: Which of the following strategies does the teacher use in the video? (You can choose multiple responses)

Answer: Connecting decimals to real life examples of students and Connecting multiple representations of decimals and Representing decimals on numberline

Handout for module 2

No Question for this section. Just download this handout to complete activity.

Questions on Handout Module 2 – 2Questions and Answers

Question 1: In the reading material, ‘Drag and Drop’ is an activity on Decimal that focuses on:

Answer: Using decimals on the number lines

Question 2: Which of the activity shows the relation between place value and decimal?

Answer: 10 to 1 relationship

Summary – Module 2

No Question for this section. Just download this handout to complete activity.

Quiz of Module 2

Queston 1: Which of the following best explains the importance of teaching students about various constructs of fractions in primary grades?

Answer: It helps in strengthening the conceptual understanding of fractions as a whole

Queston 2: A teacher gives the following question to the students-

 “How many ways can you place two rods of the same colour below another rod, or rods to show one half?”

firki maths tpd blended course test quiz questions and answers

This question would belong to which of the following models?

Answer: Length Model

Queston 3: Which model would you categorise the following question under?

“Twelve friends were having a picnic. One-third of the friends ate chocolate and others ate toffee. How many friends ate chocolate and how many ate toffee?”

Answer: Set Model

Queston 4: A student of grade 5 was asked to represent 4/7 and 7/4. He draws the same figure for both as shown below. What could be the possible reason for misrepresenting 7/4?

firki maths tpd blended course test quiz questions and answers

Answer: The student has difficulty with the concept of parts of a whole.

Queston 5: A student was asked the following question – which of the following is greater: 1/4 or 1/2? The student answers 1/4. Identify the reasons for this misconception.

Answer: Overgeneralizing the knowledge of whole numbers to fractions.

Queston 6: Identify the type of error: Student considers 0.378 greater than 0.64.

Answer: Over generalizing knowledge of whole numbers on decimals

Queston 7: Teacher Ramesh was modelling 0.75 by shading 75/100 of a 10 x 10 square grid. Which aspect of teaching decimals will be achieved by using visual models.

Answer: To help students connect decimals and fractions

Queston 8: A teacher wants to create an engaging lesson to help her students understand the application of decimals in real-world scenarios. Which of the following activities would be the most effective for achieving this goal?

Answer: Organizing a class activity where students go “shopping” with play money and have to calculate total costs, discounts, and change to reinforce decimal usage.

Queston 9: While comparing decimals, a student wrote 0.57 < 0.087. Which startegy is most suited to help her clarify the misunderstanding.

Answer: Lining up the digits and comparing the digits in each place value

Queston 10: Ramesh sir was making students practise which concept through the following game? Locate 0.01, 0.09 and 0.11 on a number line.

Answer: Comparison of decimals

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