Generation of Health cards to all the regular employees working under the control of APRE Institutions – Certain Instructions

Generation of Health cards to all the regular employees working under the control of APRE Institutions – Certain Instructions

Rc.No.11612/A1-4/2012-20                      Date:12-01-2021.

In the reference 2nd cited, the Chief Executive Officer, Dr.YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, Guntur informed the method to generate Health Cards to all the regular employees working in A.P.R.E Institutions through the website

Therefore, the following responsible officers are instructed to take necessary action for uploading the details to generate Health cards in the website duly following the instructions issued herewith.


Designation of the Employee
Responsible Officer
All regular PGTs, TGTs & Non teaching staff of A.P.R Schools
Principal of APR School concerned
All the Principals of APR Schools
Regional Deputy Secretary


All regular JC/DC Lecturers & Non teaching staff of JC/DC Colleges
Principal of APRJC/DC concerned
All the Principals of APRDC/JCs and all the Officers & Employees working

in O/o the Secretary, APREIS, Guntur

Assistant Secretary working in the O/o the

Secretary, APREIS, Guntur

While uploading the details the responsible officers are hereby instructed to login in the website by

prefixing “A” to their beneficiary code of the employee as his/her username and password as exampled below.

Employee Beneficiary Code                 :       1000012333

Respective User Name                         :       A1000012333

Respective Password                           :       A1000012333

This may be treated as “Most Urgent”.

Receipt of the Proceedings should be acknowledged.

Sd/-M.R Prasanna Kumar SECRETARY

Generation of Health cards to all the regular employees working under the control of APRE Institutions – Certain Instructions Download


USER MANUAL OF Generation of Health cards to all the regular employees working under the control of APRE Institutions Download




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