AP Half Pay Leave Encashment (HPL) proceedings and orders to Treasuries released.
So here after Bills can prepare and submit to Treasury. Endt.No.H l /673 5/2017, dt :12-06-2018.
“Communicated a copy of the (G.O. Ms.No.90, Fin (HRJV) Dept., dt:08-06-2018 for payment of final encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) to the teaching and non-teaching staff working in the Aided Junior Colleges / Degree Colleges / Oriental Colleges and also for teaching and non – teaching staff working in Panchayath Raj, Municipality and Aided Schools with effect from 4.05.2010 duly following the instructions issued therein in addition to the instructions issued by the Government vide (Cir.Memo.No.l96330C/86/A2/HRM.V/2016 Fin (HR.V) Dept., dt: 17-l0-2016 scrupulously.”