What is e-EPIC card?
e-EPIC is a portable document format(PDF) version of the EPIC which can be downloaded on mobile or in a self-printable form on the computer. A voter can thus store the card on his/her mobile, upload it on Digi locker or print it and self-laminate it. This is in addition to PCV EPIC being issued for fresh registration.
How e-EPIC
Benefits Citizen ?
- Alternate and faster mode of obtaining Electoral Photo Identity Card in a digital format
- Equally valid as a proof of document for voter identification
- Can be printed at the convenience of the voter and can bring it as proof during polling
- Self service model
On National Voters’ Day on Monday, the Election Commission will roll out the ‘e-EPIC’, a noneditable and secure PDF version of the electoral photo identity card (EPIC) that can be downloaded on the mobile phone or in a self-printable form on the computer.
The e-EPIC facility — to be launched by law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, ‘guest of honour’ at EC’s 2021 National Voters’ Day event on Monday, by distributing e-EPICs and EPIC cards to five new voters —will eliminate the wait for delivery of the physical EPIC card after it is approved. Now, immediately upon approval EPIC will be downloadable. Electors can print the card, self-laminate it or store it digitally, as per convenience. The e-EPIC shall be in addition to the plastic voter EPIC card being issued upon fresh registration. The e-EPIC can be uploaded by the voter on digilocker and stored securely with other documents.
those who applied during November-December 2020 — and whose mobile number provided while applying is unique, will get an SMS and may download e-EPIC between January 25 and 31, 2021. Thereafter, all other general electors will be able to download their e-EPIC w.e.f February 1, 2021.
Step 1how to download e epic card : Visit https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ or https://www.nvsp.in/
open https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/
Then click Create Account

STEP 2 how to download e epic card : ENTER YOUR 10 DIGIT MOBILE NUMBER


Verification Code
Please enter 6 digit verifiation code sent on your registered mobile number

Password Instructions
- It must be at least 6 characters long.
- It must have at least one digit (‘0’-‘9’).
- It must have at least one special character.
- It must have at least one uppercase (‘A’-‘Z’).


How to Complete
Your KYC ?
Step 01 : Register/Login on NVSP and click on Download e-EPIC. Enter EPIC number and click on KYC Link to complete the KYC
Step 02 : Pass the face liveness verification
Step 03 : Update your Mobile Number to complete KYC

What is e-EPIC?
e-EPIC is a secure portable document format (PDF) version of the EPIC which can be downloaded on mobile or in a self-printable form on the computer. A voter can thus store the card on his/her mobile, upload it as a PDF on Digi locker or print it and self-laminate it. This is in addition to PCV EPIC being issued currently
How can I download e-EPIC?
ANS: You can download e-EPIC from Voter Portal or Voter Helpline mobile App or NVSPVoter Portal: http://voterportal.eci.gov.in/NVSP: https://nvsp.in/ Voter Helpline Mobile App Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eci.citizeniOS https://apps.apple.com/in/app/voter-helpline/id1456535004
Who is eligible for e-EPIC?
All general Voters who have valid EPIC Number. All new electors registered during special summary revision 2021 (i.e. those who applied during Nov-Dec2020)and whose mobile number provided while applying is unique will get a SMS and may download e-EPIC between 25thJan to 31stJan 2021. Other General electors may download e-EPIC from 1stFeb 2021 onwards.(they will however not get any SMS)
I lost my EPIC, how can I download e-EPIC?
You can search your name in Electoral Roll from http://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ or http://electoralsearch.in/, note your EPIC number and then download e-EPIC
I don’t have EPIC number but I have form-6 Reference Number, may I download e-EPIC?
Yes, you can use Form Reference number to download e-EPIC
I don’t have EPIC number, how can I download e-EPIC?
You can search your name in Electoral Roll from http://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ or http://electoralsearch.in/, note your EPIC number and then download e-EPIC
What is file format of e-EPIC?
You can download e-EPIC in portable document format (PDF)
What is the file size of e-EPIC?
250 KB
Can I print e-EPIC to show as identity proof at polling station?
Yes, you can download e-EPIC and print to show as proof of identity at polling station.
What are the steps todownload e-EPIC?
You can download e-EPIC from http://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ or https://nvsp.in/ or Voter Helpline Mobile Appusing below steps: Register/Login on Voter Portal From menu navigation click on Download e-EPICEnter the EPIC number or Form Reference Number Verify with OTP sent on registered mobile number (if mobile number registered with Eroll) Click on Download e-EPIC If Mobile number not registered in Eroll, click on e-KYC to complete the KYCPass the Face liveness verification Update your mobile numberto complete KYC Download e-EPIC
What is eKYC?
eKYC is liveliness check with random body movements, involves capturing a live photo of the person in real-time image capture and compare with Picture used in EPICdata.
What if eKYC fails?
Visit ERO office along with Photo ID proof and update your mobile number
What is required for eKYC?
It requires mobile phone/Tab with Camera or Laptop/Desktop with webcam.
My Mobile number is not registered in ERoll, can I download e-EPIC?
Yes, you can do eKYC to update Mobile number.
I am not using Mobile number which is registered in ERoll, can I update my mobile number?
Yes, you can update your new mobile number by completing eKYC
Can I download e-EPIC on my smart phone?
Yes, you can download e-EPIC using Voter Helpline Mobile App
My Family members linked to same mobile number, how can I download eEPIC?
Each membercan do eKYC against single mobile number and after eKYC you can download e-EPIC.