JAGANANNA AMMA VODI LATEST G.O NO. 63 RELEASED – AMMAVODI Launching of the scheme on 09.01.2021 for the Academic Year 2020-21-GUIDELINES

School Education Department – NAVARATNALALU – JAGANANNA AMMA VODI – Launching of the scheme on 09.01.2021 for the Academic Year 2020-21- Orders – Issued.

G.O.MS.No. 63

Dated: 28-12-2020

  1. In the reference 2nd read above, Government issued orders to  provide  financial assistance of Rs.15,000/- per annum to each mother or  recognized  guardian who is below poverty line household, irrespective of  number of children    of that family studying from class I to XII in all recognized Government,  Private  Aided and Private Unaided schools/Jr. Colleges including Residential Schools/Jr.Colleges in the State from the Academic year 2019-20 under a new programme “JAGANANNA AMMA VODI” as part of “NAVARATNALU” in order to enhance access to schools, ensuring equity, assuring quality  education,  for regulation of attendance, retention, to achieve better learning outcomes, and for overall development of the child from Classes I  to XII (Intermediate Education)  which will lead to a strong foundation for the increase in overall Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) at primary and secondary level of education of  the state including  Higher Education and framed Guidelines for implementation of   the  programme.
  2. In the reference 3rd read above, the Director of School Education has submitted proposal for launching of the scheme for the Academic Year 2020-2021.
  3. Government after careful examination of the matter, have decided  to  launch the “JAGANANNA AMMA VODI” scheme on 09.01.2021 for the Academic Year 2020-2021 and accordingly, Government hereby permit the Director of School Education A.P., to launch the scheme on the Scheduled date. Further, Government hereby order as follows:
    1. All those unique mothers/guardians who were identified and validated through social audit for the DBT under Jagananna Ammavodi  for  the academic year 2019-2020 and whose children are studying from Class I to XII during 2020-21 shall be eligible for the Academic Year 2020-21.
    2. Those mothers whose children are studying from Class I to XII during 2020-21 but not covered in the above list of 2019 -2020 shall be identified for extending the benefit based on the following criteria:
    3. S.No 1
      Criterion  Total family income (Rs. p.m)
      a.  Rural
      10,000 p.m
      b.  Urban
      12,000 p.m
      Total family landholding in Acs
      Wet: Less than 3.00 Acs Dry: Less than 10.00 Acs

      Both together: Max 10.00 Acs.

      Electricity consumption
      Less than 300 units per month (six months average)
      Government employee/Pensioner
      Ineligible ( all sanitation workers are exempted)
      Four  Wheeler Owner
      Ineligible ( Taxi,  Tractor  and Auto are exempted)
      Income Tax Payee
      Municipality property
      Property less than 1000 sft.
  4. The criterion of 75% attendance shall be  exempted for qualifying  for the  DBT under Jagananna Ammavodi for Academic Year 2020-21 in view of the COVID-19 situation and to encourage mothers to send children  to  school during these challenging times since they would have suffered economically and their income sources would have dried up.
  5. An amount of Rs.1000/- from each beneficiary shall be deducted at source and released to School/College Committee accounts of Government and Government aided Schools/Colleges as Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF).
  6. Unique mothers/guardians who are getting benefit under Jagananna Ammavodi and sending their  children to Pvt. Unaided Schools/Colleges will   be sanctioned Rs.14000/- and Rs.1000/- will be credited to District Toilet Maintenance Fund (DTMF) under the control of District Collector. The operation of the DTMF shall be strictly as per the SOP  with  necessary  formula based on enrollment to be worked out by the School Education Department.
  7. The unique mothers/guardians of students, who studied 10th class during AY 2019-20 and could not be admitted to 1st year Intermediate for the AY 2020- 21 yet, due to delay in the online/offline admission process initiated by   Board of Intermediate Education, shall also be included. Those 10th class students opting for IIT/Polytechnic/IIIT and other courses which make them eligible to access Jagananna Vidya Deevena / Jagananna Vasathi Deevena    will be excluded.




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