Jagananna Ammavodi- Provisions will be made available at Headmaster’s logins for updating the Eligibility of students
In continuation to this office instructions issued by Director of School Education, Andhra Pradeshvide references read above, all the Joint Collectors Infrastructure, District Educational officers and Regional Joint Director of School Education are informed that after launch of JaganannaAmmavodi program on 9th January, 2021 a total of l45,805 grievances have been registered in Spandana Portal and 53981 grievances registered under Gram/Ward Secretariats.
Out of 53,981 grievances raised under GSWS portal, 11831 grievances were redressed by concerned Joint Collectors by making them eligible, 2369 Grievances were rejected as per the SOP and 39,781 grievances are pending at various stages of Gram/Ward Secretariats. And with regard to 45,805 Grievances registered at Spandana Portal 6937 greivances were made ineligible, 22,123 grievances pending with CFMS, and 5,753 made applications challenging the Six Step Validation in GSWS portal.
Accordingly a detailed review was held by the Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh with the concerned officials at his chambers on the pending grievances raised at Spandana and GSWS department portals, wherein it was decided that the following provisions will be made available at Headmaster’s logins for updating the Eligibility of students:
- Re-verification of students
- Updation of Bank details
- Verification of Remarks given below
- More than six children
- SSC Examination fee not paid
- Zero attendance last
Therefore all the Joint Collector (infra), District Educational Officers/Regional Joint Directors of School Education in the state are requested to expedite the process of redressal of pending grievances as per Standard Operating Procedure on or before 11/02/2021.The item of work should be treated as time bounded. No extension will be provided on the grievances on Jagananna Ammavodi for the academic year 2020-2021.