Jagananna-Gorunrudda-MDMScheme-Distribution-Rice-to-all eligible students for a period of 62 days
Jagananna Gorunrudda (MDM) Scheme – Distribution of Rice to all eligible students for a period of 62 days (i.e’l 2.06.2020 to 31 .08.2020)
All the District Educational Ofiicers in the State are hereby informed that to distribute the dryration consists of Food Grains (6,2Kg for I’rimary / 9.3 Kg for Upper Primary and Flighschool students) ,
Eggs (56) and Chikkies (35) for a period of 62 days i.e, 12.06.2020 to 31 .08.2020 irr two spells (i.e., 1’t spell – 3r’l u’eek,2″d spell – 4th week, August,2020). Furtlrer,the distribution is as follows
1. Rice (6.2 Kg for Prirnary / 9.3Kg for Upper Prirnary and I{igh Scl-rool students) is to be
distributed to all the eligible students of Classes 1ttto 9th enrolment of previous year (201 9-20)