Leadership Development Training 6 days Cycle II 4,5 batches Instructions
Memo No. 15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, Dated: 5.12.2024
Sub: Samagra Shiksha, A.P SIEMAT Leadership Development Training 6 days Training on Cycle II conduct of further batches Instructions Issued Certain
1. This office Rc. No. 15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, dt. 1.10.24.
2. This office Rc.No.SS-15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, dt.29/10/2024
3. This office Rc. No.SS-15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, dt.30/10/2024
4. Meeting held with all the Teacher Associations at Samagra on 15th November, 2024.
5. This office Rc. No.SS-15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, dt.16/11/2024
6. This office Rc. No.SS-15021/29/2024-SAMO-SSA, dt.22/11/2024
In continuation of the reference cited, the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that the School Leadership training (Learning cycle II) programme to the School Heads is in progress with 6 days’ duration through various batches. Further batches of training on scheduled as follows.
Attendance, (FRAS) is mandatory for all the participants. Deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously and defaulters have to repeat the training in subsequent batches with their own cost.
Further the RJDSE’s, DEOs and APCs are requested to utilize the services of M.Fs with the assistance of AMOs as per the requirement of each batch/venue. The identified MFs (list already shared) shall report in the venue concerned well in advance for the conduct of the trainings. The in-charge officials shall stay in the venue and coordinate with officers for the conduct of the above trainings. Further they are requested to follow the above instructions/schedule and take every possible measure to conduct the training effectively