Lr.Re.No. 340/A&I/2019, Dated: 09.04.2021
Sub : Meeting with the Principal Office bearers (President & General Secretary) of all Recognised Teacher Associations in the State on 10-04-2021 at 10.30 AM in the O/o the Director of School Education A.P, Amaravati to discuss on certain issues/demands of teachers – Intimation – Reg.
Ref:- Note.No.63/MIN/EDN/2021, Dated:08.04.2021 from the Hon’ble Minister for Education, GoAP.
I am to inform you that, it has been decided to conduct a meeting with the Principal Office bearers (President & General Secretary only) of all Recognised Teacher Associations in the State on 10-04-2021 at 10.30 AM in the Conference Hall, O/o the Director of School Education, A.P, Vijayawada to discuss on certain issues/demands of teachers.
I, therefore request you please make it convenient to attend the said meeting without fail.
Yours faithfully,
D Devananda Reddy Joint Director (Services)