Municipal Teachers – Implementation of Biometric Attendance in the Municipal Schools – Instructions
Roc.No.612066/2018/Education, dated 25.10.2021
Sub: – MA Dept. Establishment – Municipal Teachers – Implementation of Biometric Attendance in the Municipal Schools – Certain instructions issued – Regarding.
Ref: – Government Circular Memo No. GAD01-NABEOBMAT/1/2021-PU-B-1, dated:24.08.2021.
The attention of the Commissioners of ULBS, where Municipal Schools existing, is invited to the reference cited (Copy enclosed), wherein the Government has issued instructions to take immediate action to make attendance with Bio-metric Devices in all Offices and also directed to ensure all Biometric devices are functioning properly. Accordingly, instructions were also issued to all the Commissioners of ULBS in the State during the review meetings. It is further informed that as per the information received from the ULBS, in most of the Municipal Schools, the attendance of the teachers is not capturing through Biometric devices/Irish tabs.
Therefore, the Commissioners of ULBS, where Municipal Schools existing, are requested to take immediate action for capturing the attendance of the Municipal Teachers with Biometric devices/Irish tabs and ensure the functioning of Biometric devices/Irish tabs properly and repot compliance in the matter, without fail.
All the RDMAS in the State are requested to ensure the above instructions are complied with by the Commissioners of ULBS and monitor the same during their ULB visits and report compliance in the matter.