National Constitution Day Celebrations 2024

National Constitution Day Celebrations 2024  -Activities – Competitions

National Constitution Day Celebrations 2024 Instructions, Activities, Competitions in AP Schools Instructions for conduct of various innovative activities and competitions to create mass awareness on the constitution of the country in the Schools across the Andhra Pradesh “NATIONAL CONSTITUTION DAY” on 26th November-2024-Issued

RC No.ESE02-28022/30/2024-PLG-CSE dated 24/11/2024

Sub:- School Education Department – Celebration of Constitutional Day on 26th November 2024 in all schools– Certain instructions –Issued.


1. Actionable points of National Democratic Alliance CM conference held on 17th October at Chandigarh.
2. This ofce pros. RC No.ESE02-28022/30/2024-PLG-CSE, dated 18.11.2024.
3. D.O.No.17-11/2023-Coord, dated 21-112024 of the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, GoI, New Delhi.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Ofcers and Additional Project Co-ordinators, Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that in the reference 3rd read above, the Joint Secretary, Minister of Education, DoSE, GoI, New Delhi has informed that GoI decided to celebrate 75th year of Indian Constitution for a period of one year and instructed to organize certain activities in schools on 26.11.2024. (copy enclosed)

It is also informed that certain instructions were already issued vide reference 2nd read above. In continuation and as requested by the Joint Secretary, Minister of Education, DoSE, GoI, New Delhi, it is requested to conduct the following activities:

i. Conduct morning assembly on 26.11.2024 in every school to make  students aware of the importance of the Constitution.
ii. Conduct activities to make students aware of the significance of the Constitution.
iii.Engage students with creative activities like selfie points, formation of human chains, rap songs etc.
iv.Talks/discussions/seminars by inviting eminent personalities.
v. Declamations on the significance of the constitution
vi.Painting/poster making/ craft competitions.
vii.Moss reading of Preamble in school Assembly.

A Module on Constitution Day will be uploaded on the DIKSHA platform. Translate and utilize the module as background material for activities.
Show the Constitution Day video, which will be uploaded on PM-eVidya platform, to all students.

Encourage participation in the quiz available on portal by the students, teachers, parents and education administrators.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Co-ordinators, Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to disseminate these instructions to all the field level officers and schools under all managements under their jurisdiction, ensuring to organize the aforementioned activities in schools to celebrate the 75th year of adoption of the Constitution Day on 26.11.2024.

They are further requested to submit their compliance reports along with photos, write ups etc., after conduct of the above on 26-11-2024 to submit a consolidated report to the Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Dept. of School Education & Literacy, GoI, New Delhi.

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