Parent-Teachers Meeting Invitation pdf Download
Parent-Teachers Meeting Invitation pdf Download
1. Upload Marks of SAMP 1 & SAMP 2 before Nov 10
2. పిల్లల బంగారు భవిష్యత్తు కోసం బడివైపు ఒక అడుగు అనే నినాదం తో Mega PTM
3. Planning preparation conducting and Post making activities
4. Participating CM to local leader.
5. Time table will be shared for PTM conducting
6. Discuss on student progress
7. Student analysis with parents
8. Whole class analysis
9. Teachers are account able to the parents
10. Discussion on progress card
11. Discussion on student Attendance percentage
12. Student behaviour Talents and weakness
13. Time and punctuality
14. Explain first school activity by the student at home to the patent
15. Competitions for parents a)rangoli for mother b)tug off war for fathers
16. All parent meeting my active parent s member as guest cultural activities by parents and student
17. Prepare and Report on school progress by HM by covering School academic performance enrollment dropout achievements available facilities needs of the school and contribution
18. Just speeches on school development supports of the teacher achievements and overall facilities by smc chair person, active mother, Donors or people representative
19. All parents invitis teachers followed by concluding remarks
20. Printed Materials- Agendas, Progress Reports.
21. Mementos, Prizes and Certificates for students and parents
22. Refreshments- Tea/Coffee/Snacks for Parents and Teachers
23. Miscellaneous-Contingency funds for unexpected expenses
24. Finally shubh din bhojan special food items should provide tall parents invited along which students
Parent-Teachers Meeting Invitation pdf Download