PM POSHAN(MDM) – Tithi Bhojan as a part of 100 days programme guidelines

School Education Department – PM POSHAN(MDM) – Decision of Ministry of Education, Government of India to encourage Tithi Bhojan as a part of 100 days programme of the Government of India –Detailed guidelines – Certain instructions issued – Reg.

Memo.No.2480863/MDM & SS/2024   Dated:- 11/07/2024

Ref :

1. Minutes of the PAB meeting of GoI dt.20-04-2024.
2. OM dt.24-06-2024 of the of the under Secretary to GoI, MoE, Dept., of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
3. D.O.No.15-7/2024-PMP-5, Dated:26.06.2024 of the Additional Secretary to GoI, MoE, Dept. of School Education & Literacy,Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.

All the District Educational Ofcers in the State are hereby informed that the Ministry of Education, Government of India issued necessary guidelines to encourage Tithi Bhojan as a part of 100 days Programme of the Government of India.

Tithi Bhojan is the concept introduced in order to develop the sense of belonging among the community and Schools. The concept also helps in inculcating the feeling of equity among the children of all communities. Tithi Bhojan through the supplementary nutrition helps in strengthening the immunity among school children.
In this regard, the GoI instructed to organize Tithi Bhojan at least on one day during the 100 Days Programme with active involvement of community members and civil society organizations for providing special nutritious and healthy food to the schools students. Tithi Bhojan may be organised on any important day such as State foundation day, birthdays of national heroes, specially on birthdays of students and teachers during these 100 Days. Also advised that Tithi Bhojan should inculcate and promote healthy eating habits and best hygiene practices amongst the students. In this regard, detailed guidelines for Tithi Bhojan are issued for implementation in all schools. This concept is adopted by the State Government as “Subhdin Bhojan”.

Hence, all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to the feld functionaries to take necessary steps for implementation of Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) which is to be organized on any important day such as State foundation day, birthdays of national heroes, specially on birthdays of students and teachers during these 100 Days programme of GoI. In addition, the following may be taken care of while organizing the Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) programme in schools:

  • Balanced diet of freshly cooked, nutritious and healthy food prepared of Rice/Wheat, Shree Anna, legumes/pulses along with green leafy vegetables to be served.
  • Junk and stale food must not be served and awareness about the harmful efects of junk food should be spread amongst the students and the participating community members.
  • Adequate care may be taken in providing food items that are as per local taste and preference.
  • A meeting of School Management Committee (SMC) may be organized to discuss and plan the Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) menu and identifcation of donors.

Also requested to furnish detailed action taken report on coverage of students and schools who has taken part in Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) during celebration of 100 days programme in the prescribed format enclosed herewith.

In order to maintain better reporting, provision has been given in the website where the details of donors who wish to take part in providing Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) and the details of the school & no. of students the meals/ snacks are providing on which occasion & date of occasion to be registered. Further, the details of the donor registration will be alerted the concern School HM for further coordination with the donor for organizing the Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) programme.
In view of the above, all the District Educational Officers are hereby requested to take necessary steps for the effective implementation of the Subhdin Bhojan (Tithi Bhojan) in all schools covered under PM POSHAN Scheme during the 100 Days Programme with active involvement of community members and civil society organizations for providing special nutritious and healthy food to the school students on any important days such as foundation day, birthdays of national heroes, specially on birthdays of students and teachers.
Encl: As above.

PM POSHAN(MDM) – Tithi Bhojan as a part of 100 days programme guidelines instructions  Download

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