School Educational Institutions Certain permissions GOVT Memo 2700647

Educational Institutions Certain permissions GOVT Memo 2700647

Permission for Academic, Govt, Sport Policy Activities in AP Educational Institutional Premises, Academic activities / Bonifide Government activities/Activities as per Sports Policy in the Educational Institutions Certain permissions Govt.Memo.No.2700647/MC/2025, Dated:29-01-2025

Higher Education Department Academic activities / Bonifide Government activities/Activities as per Sports Policy in the Educational Institutions Certain permissions – Accorded – Reg


1. Memo.No.ESE02-28/30/2024-PLG-CSE, Director of School Education, dt. 14-11-2024.

2. Memo.No.3/OP.IV-Ground Permission/2025, Director of Collegiate Education, Dt. 26-01-2025.

3. G.O.Ms.No.18 of Youth Advancement, Tourism & Culture (Sps.&Ys) Department Dated: 10/12/2024.

In suppression of the orders/instructions issued in the references 1st & 2nd cited, Government hereby direct that the premises of Government Educational Institutions, i.e. Government Schools, Government Junior Colleges, Government ITIs & Polytechnics, Government Degree Colleges, Government Universities, under the control of School Education/Intermediate Education/Technical Education/Higher Education departments respectively except Residential Schools and Colleges shall be utilized only for academic activities related to the institutions concerned and bonafide Government activities. However, the playgrounds in such institutions can be utilized by general public between 4.00 a.m. to 7.00 a.m. only for activities as per the Sports Policy of Government of Andhra Pradesh issued vide ref 3rd cited on all days except special occasions/ days as decided by the institution concerned subject to adherence to the general norms of the institutions.

All the Head of the Departments mentioned in the address entry are requested to take immediate action duly informing the above instructions to the respective institutions concerned under their control.

Educational Institutions Certain permissions GOVT Memo 2700647 download

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