SMC Members Trainings Instructions – Trainings for SMC Members at Various Levels Rc.No.SS-16/1/2023
2 Note orders of the State Project Director, Dated:19.09.2024ORDER:
The following staff members of this office are hereby directed to attend the designated districts to monitor the District Level, Mandal Level and School Level one-day SMC training programs (Non-Residential Mode) from 27th December 2024 to 6th January 2025.
The list of State Observers and the schedule for the District, Mandal, and School Level training programs to be conducted are as follows.
Training |
schedule |
District Level |
27.12.2024 to 30.12.2024 |
Mandal Level |
31.12.2024 to 02.01.2025 |
School Level |
03.01.2025 to 06.01.2025 |
The details of the District, Mandal and School level one day Non- Residential Training programs are as follows:
District level Training (Non-Residential): The total number of participants for the district level training is 3765 i.e., 5 members (3) Teachers+2 SMC) from 679 Mandals in the State and 370 resource persons (5 resource persons from each Education division (74X5).
Mandal Level (Non-Residential): The total number of participants for the Mandal level training is 93643 i.e., 2 members (1 Teacher +1 SMC) from each school (45124 schools x2=90248) and 5 Resource Persons from each mandal (5X679) 3395.
School Level (Non-Residential): The total number of participants for the school level training 676860 (i.e. 15 members from each school (45124 schools x15=676860)
The district wise Number of Participants and Budget allocated for District and Mandal Level one day Non-Residential training programmes are as follows:
The District Educational Officers (DEOs) and Additional Project Coordinators (APCs) of Samagra Shiksha in the State are directed to form monitoring teams comprising the district sectoral officers of Samagra Shiksha, Deputy Educational Officers for the District level, Mandal Educational Officers and State Resource Persons at the Mandal level. These teams will oversee the training programs at the District, Mandal and School levels.
Additionally, they are instructed to issue necessary instructions to the concerned individuals for the effective organization of the training programs and to ensure full participation of the SMCs and Resource Persons at all levels of trainings.
The details of the district-wise budget allocated for conducting the one-day non-residential trainings at the District and Mandal levels, along with the information on educational divisions, mandals, and schools, are attached (Annexures 1-4).
The District Educational Officers (DEOs) and Additional Project Coordinators (APCs) of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that the one-day non-residential trainings at the District, Mandal, and School levels are to be organized as per the schedule provided above. They are instructed to ensure the smooth execution of these trainings and submit a compliance report
The powers vested with the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Sanction is hereby accorded by the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, for the release of an amount of Rs. 1,92,80,070/- (One Crore Ninety-Two Lakhs Eighty Thousand and Seventy Rupees only) to the Additional Project Coordinators, Samagra Shiksha, in the State.
The Finance Controller of this office is requested to release an amount of Rs 1,92,80,070/- (Rupees One Crore ninety two lakhs eighty thousand and Seventy only).
The budget shall be met from SMDC Training (Secondary) and Training of SMC/SDMC (Elementary) for the year 2024-2025.