SSC Public Examinations Children with Special Needs (CwSN) Clarifcations

 SSC Public Examinations Children with Special Needs (CwSN) Clarifcations – SSC CwSN Provisions and Concessions Clarification on SM, CI Provisions and Concessions for Children with Special Needs (CwSN) in the SSC Public Examinations Clarification on the nomenclature of “Mental Retardation/Mental Behaviour/Mental Illness (SM)” and “Intellectual Disability (CI)” for the purpose of providing exemptions and concessions to CwSN in the SSC Public Examinations – Certain Instructions – Orders – Issued

Rc.No. GE-COOR0IDC/1/2024-DGE, Dated: 29/10/2024

O/o DGE, A.P., Provisions and Concessions for Children with Special Needs (CwSN) in the SSC Public Examinations Clarification on the nomenclature of “Mental Retardation/Mental Behaviour/Mental Illness (SM)” and “Intellectual Disability (CI)” for the purpose of providing exemptions and concessions to CwSN in the SSC Public Examinations – Certain Instructions – Orders – Issued – Reg.


1. The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.

2. G.O.Ms.No. 14, SE (Prog.II) Dept, Dt: 31-01-2019.

3. G.O.Ms.No. 86, SE (Prog.II) Dept, Dt: 29-12-2021.

4. Procs. of DGE, A.P., vide Rc.No. COORONINT/1/2021-DGE, Dated: 02-02-2022.

5. Circular of the CSE, A.P., vide Rc.No. SS-23021/82/2022-IED KGBV- SSA, Dt: 28-01-2023.

6. Representation of the Head Master, Government Post Basic School, Pentapadu, West Godavari District, Dt: 05-03-2024.

7. Circular-20/30 of Director, National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (Divyangjan) vide Rc.No. NIEPMD- NBER/2020-21/559, Dated: 30-03-2021.

8. G.O.Ms.No. 36, Department of Women, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Dated: 23-08-2023.

9. Remarks of the SAMO, O/o SPD, SSA, A.P., in File No.. GECOOROIDC/1/2024-DGE, Dated: 26-03-2023.

10. Procs of DGE vide Rc.No. GE-COOROIDC/1/2024-DGE, Dated: 08- 04-2024.

The attention of the District Educational Officers, District School Educational Officers and Assistant Commissioner for Government Examinations in the O/o DGE, A.P. and O/o DEOs in the state are invited to the Ref. 3rd, 4th and 5th cited, wherein certain special provisions including certain exemptions and concessions were provided for the Children with Special Needs (CwSN) in the SSC Public Examinations in the state. The following are some of the provisions related to the candidates belonging to the Disability Category of “Mental Behaviour / Mental Illness (SM)” “Intellectual Disability (CI)”:


Disability (CI)”:

Disability Category
Disability Code
Name of

the Disability

Some Disability-Specific Exemptions and Concessions



Mental Behavior




SM (13)




Mental Illness

1. Pass Marks reduced from “35” to “10” marks in all subjects.

2. For the purpose of valuation, certain grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, graphs, geometry and maps shall be ignored.

3. Suitable assistive devices are permitted.

4. Scribe is Permitted.

Intellectual Disability

CI (22)

Intellectual Disability
1. Pass Marks reduced from “35” to “10” marks in all subjects.

2. For the purpose of valuation, certain grammatical  mistakes, punctuation errors, graphs, geometry and maps shall be ignored.

3. Suitable assistive devices are permitted.

4. Scribe is Permitted.

Whereas, vide Circular Ref. 7th cited, issued by the Director, National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (Divyangjan), Government of India, Chennai, aligning with the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Directive of 24th July 2019, it was advised to the National Board of Examination in Rehabilitation (NBER) to incorporate “Intellectual Disability” in the place of “Mental Retardation” in all statement of Marks and Certificate of Diploma level  courses  being issued with immediate effect

Further, vide Ref. 9th cited, it was informed that previously certifications under SADAREM were only for Mental Retardation. Now, this should be treated as Intellectual Disability following the updated terminology.

In this regard, considering the Ref. 7th, 8th and 9th cited and to avoid confusion in the nomenclature and disability code w.r.t. “Mental Illness” and “Intellectual Disability”, all the District Educational Officers, District School Educational Officers and Assistant Commissioner for Government Examinations in the O/o DGE, A.P., and O/o DEOs in the state are hereby informed that the Disability Categories of SM and CI mentioned above shall henceforth be considered equivalent and the concerned Assistant Commissioners for Government Examinations, O/o DGE, A.P. and O/o DEOs in the state shall accept the SADAREM/ other Disability Certificates from the candidates belonging to the disability codes “SM” and “CI” and shall consider both the nomenclatures as the same. The ACGES. shall neither reject nor change the disability code mentioned by the HM/Candidate in the SSC Nominal Roll and Application for these two disability codes only, and shall provide the same eligible exemptions and concessions for the candidates belonging to these two disability categories in the upcoming SSC Public Examinations.

The ACGEs in the O/o DGE, A.P., and ACGEs in the O/o DEOs in the state shall take necessary action accordingly, in the matter.

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