• Class teachers have to create Whats app groups with their class students.
• Ask them to maintain a notebook for summer activities and submit at the time of reopening.
• Keep in touch with the students and encourage them from time to time to monitor their activities.
• Gather students activities in the form of pics/videos/reports through Whats app group
• Music, Dance and Drama :
Select a music/dance/drama of their own culture or local tradition where a group of people (Peer/siblings/other family members) come together to develop the child’s aesthetic sense. Example: Folk or traditional songs/dance can be recorded from their area using some musical instruments involving their siblings, friends and family members.
WE LOVE READING SUMMER ACTIVITIES 2024 for Class 6,7,8,9,10 Students :
English words everyday by using your dictionary and note down in your notebook (మీ dictionary ఉపయోగించడం ద్వారా ప్రతిరోజూ 5 ఆంగ్ల పదాలను నేర్చుకోండి మరియు మీ నోట్బుక్లో వ్రాసుకోండి)
What Is a Subordinating Conjunction?
A subordinating conjunction is a word used to combine an independent clause and a dependent clause in a sentence. They help in forming complex sentences.
Definition of Subordinating Conjunction
According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, a subordinating conjunction is defined as “a word that begins a subordinate clause, for example although or because.”
The Macmillan Dictionary gives a much more elaborate definition of subordinating conjunctions. According to it, a subordinating conjunction is “a conjunction such as ‘because’, ‘while’, ‘although’, or ‘in case’ that begins a subordinate clause and connects it to an independent clause or other unit in the sentence.
For example, in the sentence ‘I refused to comment because I didn’t have all the facts’, ‘because’ is a subordinating conjunction.”
The Collins Dictionary defines a subordinating conjunction as “a word such as ‘although’, ‘because’, or ‘when’ which begins a subordinate clause” and according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a subordinating conjunction is “a conjunction that joins a main clause and a clause which does not form a complete sentence by itself.”
Examples of Subordinating Conjunctions
In the English language, subordinating conjunctions include those like as long as, because, even if, if, unless, before, since, though, etc. Let us look at the following sentences to understand how subordinate conjunctions are employed and made use of.
- Unless you submit all the supporting documents, your application will not be processed.
- I was not able to go to the hospital because it was raining heavily.
- When I reached the railway station, I found out that the train had already left.
- Although we had parked in the parking lot, the traffic police issued us a parking ticket.
- It is better to keep everything packed as you are not sure when you would be asked to come to Bangalore.
List of Subordinating Conjunctions for Everyday Use
Given below is a list of subordinating conjunctions that can be used in everyday conversation.
Examples of Subordinating Conjunctions |
After | When | Before |
As soon as | Because | As |
Since | Though | Although |
Even though | If | Unless |
Until | Even if | Once |
While | Than | Till |
Now that | Whenever | In order that |
Wherever | As though | As long as |
Provided | So that | That |
Points to Remember When Using Subordinating Conjunctions in Sentences
No matter how frequently you converse in English, it is always better to keep the following points in mind.
- Subordinating conjunctions can be used in the beginning or middle of a sentence according to the position of the dependent clause.
- When the subordinating conjunction appears in the beginning of a complex sentence, a comma is used after the dependent clause.
- When a subordinating conjunction is used in the middle of a sentence, there is no need for a comma to be used.
- A dependent clause with a subordinating conjunction cannot stand by itself as it does not make sense.
Check Your Understanding of Subordinating Conjunctions
Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate conjunction in the following sentences. You can choose the most suitable conjunction from the list given below.
(If, while, when, since, as soon as, even though, unless, though, before, after)
1. __________ Deepa reached home, she called to let me know .
2. __________ she had paid all the bills, the system showed that she had some due payments to be done.
3. _________ you do not find it interesting, it is okay.
4. _________ I was walking across the street, I saw that the shops were closed.
5. _________ she finishes the work given, she cannot go home.
6. __________ you make a decision, just take a second opinion.
7. __________ he was tired, he agreed to help me out.
8. She knew that there was a nationwide lockdown today only _____ I told her about it.
9. _________ you are done with it, let me know.
10. I think this place will not feel the same ever again _______ they demolished the football gallery.
Check out if you used the right subordinating conjunctions in the given sentences.
1. As soon as Deepa reached home, she called to let me know .
2. Even though she had paid all the bills, the system showed that she had some due payments to be done.
3. If you do not find it interesting, it is okay.
4. While I was walking across the street, I saw that the shops were closed.
5. Unless she finishes the work given, she cannot go home.
6. Before you make a decision, just take a second opinion.
7. Though he was tired, he agreed to help me out.
8. She knew that there was a nationwide lockdown today only after I told her about it
9. When you are done with it, let me know.
10. I think this place will not feel the same ever again since they demolished the football gallery.
తెలివైన పావురం..

ఒక గద్ద ఆహారం కోసం ప్రయాణిస్తూ.. అది ఉంటున్న అడవి నుంచి మరో అడవిలోకి ప్రవేశించింది. అక్కడికి వెళ్లడం అదే మొదటిసారి. దారిలో దానికి ఓ చెట్టు కింద పావురం కనిపించింది. ఆ గద్దకి.. ఎప్పటి నుంచో పావురాలను తినాలనే కోరిక ఉండేది. అది నివసించే అడవిలో పావురాలు లేవు. దాంతో మెల్లగా వెళ్లి.. ఆ పావురాన్ని కాళ్లతో పట్టుకొని, దాని అడవికి తీసుకుపోయింది. ఆ గద్ద బారి నుంచి ఎలా తప్పించుకోవాలా అని ఆలోచించిన పావురం వెంటనే.. ‘నన్ను చంపి తినడం వల్ల నీ ఆకలి ఒక్క పూట మాత్రమే తీరుతుంది. నన్ను వదిలేస్తే మా అడవి నుంచి, రోజూ ఒక పావురాన్ని మాయ మాటలు చెప్పి నీ వద్దకు తీసుకొస్తాను. మా అడవిలో ఢమరుకం అనే పెద్ద పక్షి ఉంది. దానికి గద్దలంటే కోపం. నువ్వు దాని కంట పడకుండా పావురాలను వేటాడడం జరగని పని. దాని కంట పడితే నీకు మరణం తప్పదు. కాబట్టి.. నీకు ఎలాంటి శ్రమా లేకుండా నేనే పావురాలను తీసుకొస్తాను’ అంది. ఆ మాటలు విన్న గద్ద.. ‘సరే నిన్ను వదిలేస్తాను. ఈ చెట్టు నా నివాసం. ఇక్కడికి రోజూ ఒక పావురాన్ని తీసుకొని రా!’ అని చెప్పి దాన్ని వదిలిపెట్టింది. దాంతో ‘హమ్మయ్యా! బతికిపోయాను’ అనుకుంటూ అక్కడి నుంచి ఎగిరిపోయింది పావురం.
అలా నాలుగు రోజులు గడిచిపోయాయి. అయినా కూడా పావురం జాడ లేదు. అది ఎందుకు పావురాలను తీసుకురావడం లేదో తెలుసుకుందామని, బయలుదేరింది గద్ద. చెట్టు కింద ఉన్న పావురం దూరంగా వస్తున్న గద్దను గమనించింది. ‘ఈ అడవిలో గద్దలు లేవు. ఇది ఆ రోజు నన్ను ఎత్తుకెళ్లిందే. ఎలాగైనా తప్పించుకోవాలి. ఎగిరి చెట్టు మీదకు చేరే ప్రయత్నం చేస్తే దాని కంట పడతాను. ఏం చేయాలి?’ అని ఆలోచిస్తూ.. చెట్టు కిందనే ముడుచుకుని పడుకుంది. ఇంతలోనే పావురాన్ని చూసిన గద్ద.. దాని దగ్గరకు వచ్చి, కాలితో పట్టుకోవడానికి ప్రయత్నించింది. ‘నాకు మాయ మాటలు చెప్పి మోసం చేస్తావా?’ అంది. అప్పుడు పావురం.. ‘నేను నిన్ను మోసం చేయలేదు. గత నాలుగు రోజుల నుంచి నాకు ఆరోగ్యం బాగోలేదు. అసలు ఎగరలేకపోతున్నా. అందుకే రాలేక పోయాను. ఆరోగ్యం కుదుటపడగానే.. రోజూ ఒక పావురాన్ని నువ్వు ఉంటున్న చెట్టు దగ్గరకు తీసుకొని వస్తాను. ఇప్పుడు నన్ను తింటే.. నా జబ్బు నీకు సోకుతుంది’ అంది. దాంతో పావురాన్ని వదిలేసి వెళ్లిపోయిందది.
‘ఇప్పటికైతే తప్పించుకున్నాను. కానీ ఇది నన్ను వదిలేలా లేదు’ అనుకుంది పావురం. వెంటనే గజరాజు దగ్గరకు వెళ్లి.. ‘మీ పాలనలో అంతా ఆనందంగా ఉన్నాం. కానీ ఈ మధ్య పొరుగునున్న అడవి నుంచి ఒక గద్ద మన అడవికి పావురాలను వేటాడటానికి వస్తోంది. దాని బారి నుంచి మీరే మమ్మల్ని రక్షించాలి’ అంది. ‘తప్పకుండా రక్షిస్తాను.. దానికి ఏం చేయాలో చెప్పు?’ అడిగింది గజరాజు. ‘రాజా! మీ సైన్యంలోని రెండు ఏనుగులను నా వెంట పంపండి చాలు’ అంది. గజరాజు ఆజ్ఞతో.. ఏనుగులు, పావురంతో పాటుగా గద్ద ఉన్న అడవికి బయలుదేరాయి. వాటిని చూసిన గద్ద.. తనను బెదిరించడానికే ఏనుగులను తీసుకొని వస్తోందని అర్థం చేసుకుంది. వెంటనే వాటి ముందు వాలి.. ‘ఎంత మోసం చేశావు. ఆహారంగా పావురాలను తీసుకొస్తానని మాటిచ్చి.. వీటిని తీసుకొచ్చావు. నిన్ను అస్సలు వదిలిపెట్టను’ అని కోపంతో పావురం మీద దాడి చేయబోయింది గద్ద. దాంతో ఏనుగులు ఒక్కసారిగా ఘీంకరించి.. దాన్ని భయపెట్టాయి. ‘ఇంకోసారి మా అడవి పక్షులను తినడానికి ప్రయత్నించకు. మొదటిసారి కాబట్టి.. ఏమీ అనకుండా వదిలిపెడుతున్నాం. నీ బుద్ధి మార్చుకోకపోతే.. మా ఢమరుకం పక్షి వచ్చి నీ అంతు చూస్తుంది’ అని బెదిరించాయి. అప్పుడు గద్ద.. ‘అమ్మో! ఇవే ఇంత పెద్దగా ఉన్నాయంటే.. ఆ పక్షి ఇంకెలా ఉంటుందో? ఇక్కడ ఉండే కంటే.. వేరే అడవికి వెళ్లడం మేలు!’ అనుకొని అక్కడి నుంచి పారిపోయింది. దాంతో.. ఇక నుంచి గద్ద బాధ తప్పిందని.. ఆనందంగా గెంతులు వేసింది పావురం.
weaver and his friend, the carpenter, lived in the bustling city of Vishalnagar. One evening, the two friends went out to have a cup of tea. A beautiful carriage went by on the street. As the weaver admired the carriage, the curtains on its windows opened a little. The weaver caught a glimpse of the person sitting inside. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He instantly fell in love with her.
“Do you know who that carriage belongs to?” the weaver asked his friend.
“Of course, I do. I built that carriage for the King! That was Princess Srimati,” the carpenter replied.
The weaver was lost in thought. Though he was wealthy and good at his work, he could never dream of marrying a princess. This made the weaver so sad that he couldn’t concentrate on work. The carpenter noticed his friend in this sad state and decided to help him.
Two weeks later, he called the weaver to his workshop. There was a large object inside covered with cloth. The carpenter pulled the cloth down. The weaver gaped at the object in astonishment.
It was a gigantic machine in the shape of a bird. Not just any bird, but an eagle. The carpenter pressed a small button on the eagle’s belly. One of the wings slowly tilted down. The carpenter walked up the wing onto the neck of the bird. The weaver followed in wide-eyed wonder.
On the neck of the eagle, was a small cushioned seat. In front of the seat were hidden controls.
“My friend, this is an eagle that can fly,” the carpenter said, “You pull this lever and the bird will spread its wings. Pull this lever to make the wings flap and start flying.”
“But what is all this for?” the weaver asked.
“This eagle looks just like Garuda, Lord Vishnu’s ride. You can dress up as Lord Vishnu and fly this bird to the Princess Srimati’s balcony. A weaver may not be able to marry a princess. But surely a God can,” replied the carpenter with a smile.
The weaver thanked his friend. The next night, the weaver dressed as Lord Vishnu, flew to the princess’ balcony on the mechanical eagle.
It was a beautiful night. The moon was full. The princess was standing at the balcony admiring its beauty. She felt a gush of wind. The eagle landed softly behind her. The princess turned and was shocked to see a giant bird.
“That bird looks familiar,” she thought, “Wait! That looks like Lord Vishnu’s bird, Garuda.”
At that moment the left wing dropped down. Walking down the wing was Lord Vishnu himself. Princess Srimati fainted. When she opened her eyes, she was staring into the eyes of the weaver, who was looking down at her with concern.
Srimati smiled as she hurried to her feet and bowed down to Lord Vishnu.
“My Lord! What brings you to our kingdom?”
“Princess, it is you who has brought me to this kingdom,” the weaver replied. Srimati blushed as the weaver continued. “Princess, I have fallen in love with you, and wish to marry you. Do accept my proposal.”
Srimati said nothing, but simply nodded.
The weaver and the princess got married that same night. From that day on, the weaver would come every night on his bird dressed as Lord Vishnu. The young couple spent a lot of time together, and slowly got to know each other.
That’s how for the first time in Vishalnagar, a weaver married a princess. It was their secret. Unfortunately, this secret was about to be exposed very soon.