11th Pay Revision Commission -Revised Scales of Pay 2022 -Recovery Interim Relief (IR)- Orders GO NO 103 DOWNLOAD

11th Pay Revision Commission -Revised Scales of Pay 2022 -Recovery Interim Relief (IR)- Orders GO NO 103 DOWNLOAD

Dated: 11.05.2022  G.O. Ms. No.103

1. G. O. MS. No. 01, Finance (PC-TA) Department, dated 17-01-2022 2. G.O.Rt.No.127, GA (Cabinet. I) Department, dated.24.01.2022. 3. Minutes of Ministers Committee meeting held on 05.02.2022 communicated vide U.O.Note.No.GAD01-CABOSUBC (CONS)/1/2022, Dt.08.02.2022.


  1. Government have issued comprehensive orders regarding the recommendations of the 11th Pay Revision Commission & the implementation of Revised Pay Scales, 2022 vide the reference 1st read above. The Payment of arrears of pay have been ordered at para 12 of the aforementioned G.O.
  2. 2. The Ministers Committee constituted vide the reference 2nd cited has recommended that “there would not be any recoveries of Interim Relief paid during 01.07.2019 and 31.03.2020 from the pay of the employees” vide reference 3rd cited.
  3. Government, after careful considerations of the entire matter and keeping in view of the welfare of the employees, have taken a decision to dispense with the recovery of Interim Relief (IR) for the paid from 01.07.2019 to 31.03.2020.
  4.  Accordingly, Government hereby order to revise the para 12 of the G.O. in reference 1stcited as hereunder:
  5.  The pay fixation arrears on account of the pay revision shall be calculated by a system generated due drawn statement, with details for the period from April, 2020 to December, 2021 as shown in Annexure-I. After validation by the concerned authority, the system generated proceedings of the due drawn statement will be printed and an entry shall be made in the Service Register.
  6. The arrears arrived as per the above shall be paid at the time of retirement.
  7. The detailed instructions for the generation of the due drawn statement and validation shall be issued separately.

11th Pay Revision Commission -Revised Scales of Pay 2022 -Recovery Interim Relief (IR)- Orders GO NO 103 DOWNLOAD

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