School Education SSC PUBLIC Examination-IT Cell – Certain modification in 10TH CLASS Student info- Instructions
Rc. NO.ESE02-231021/3/2021-IT -CSE Dated 25/03/2021
Sub: School Education SSC Examination-IT Cell – Certain modification in Student info- Instructions
All the District Educational Officers in the state in invited to the subject cited, where in it in noticed that certain Head Masters of Govt./Aided/Pvt Schools have modified the 10th class SSC child information during last one month, which in not supposed to have been done at thin juncture.
However, since the Headmasters have added/deleted names in the list of children attending SSC examination in June, 2021, reason for such additions/deletions need to be enquired into. Before that it in decided to call for the remarks of the concerned Headmasters against each such addition/deletion.
For thin purpose, a screen has been facilitated in the DEO login , to obtain the reason from the Headmasters for such additions/deletions case wise and to submit by the District Education Officers. Therefore, all District Educational Officers in the state are requested to direct their examination wing to obtain the reason and furnish the information on the above lapses on or before 27.03.2021 without fail, failing which the matter will be viewed seriously.