Rationalization of Functionaries in Village – Ward Secretariats – Procedure Instructions GO NO 1
Dept., of GVWV & VSWS – Human Resources – Rationalization of Functionaries in Village / Ward Secretariats – Procedure Instructions – Orders – Issued
G.O.Ms.No.01 Date:08.02.2024
Read the following:-
- G.O.Ms 110, PR & RD (Md1.1) Dept., Dated:19.07.2019.
- G.O.Ms 217, MA & UD (UBS) Dept., Dated:20.07.2019.
- G.O.Ms.No.71, Fin. (HR.IPLG. & PLG. & POLICY) Dept., Dt:17.05.2023.
- G.O.Ms.No.5, Dept., of GVWV & VSWS, Dt:25.05.2023.
- From the Director, GSWS, Vijayawada vide their e-file bearing No.2237009.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh has introduced the concept of NAVARATNALU as the core theme of governance in order to revamp the delivery systems of Government services with an aim to improve the living standards of the people. To achieve this objective, the Government of Andhra Pradesh had established a system of Village / Ward Secretariats consisting of required functional assistants to strengthen Gram Panchayats and Wards in the G.Os 1st& 2nd read above and recruited the functionaries during 2019 and 2020. These functionaries work in secretariats for delivery of services, schemes to the citizens.
In the G.O. 4th read above, Government have issued certain guidelines including timelines for effecting transfers of employees in Village & Ward Secretariats on request basis.
In the reference 5th read above, the Director, GSWS, Vijayawada has requested that in order to ensure uniformity in the number of functionaries working in each secretariat, District Collectors of erstwhile districts may be permitted to rationalize functionaries by relaxing the ban on transfers vide G.O.Ms.No.71. Fin (HR. IPLG & PLG&POLICY) Dept Dt. 17.05.2023. for time being till the time all the posts are filled up.
After careful examination of the request of the Director, GSWS, Vijayawada, Government hereby permit the District Collectors of erstwhile Districts to rationalize the functionaries in Village / Ward Secretariats by relaxing the ban on transfers vide O.Ms.No.71, Fin (HR. IPLG & PLG&POLICY) Dept., Dt:17.05.2023. for time being till the posts are filled up. Rationalization exercise is to be carried out by the Collectors of erstwhile Districts in consultation with the Collectors of New Districts. The Procedure for Rationalization of Functionaries in Village / Ward Secretariats is annexed to this Order.
Government also permits to transfer on Spouse grounds (Both Inter-District and intra District).
The Director, GSWS, Vijayawada and all the District Collectors in the State shall take necessary action to effect transfers as per the guidelines enclosed in the annexure.
This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide their U.O.No.2333195/HROPDPP(TRPO)/19/2024/HR. I , Dt:25.01.2024.
ANNEXURE TO G.O.Ms.No.01, Dept., of GVVVV & VSWS, Dt:08.02.2024.
- Surplus Secretariat : Secretariat with more than 8 functionaries.
- Deficit Secretariat : Secretariat with less than 8 functionaries.
Procedure at District Level:
- Step is List the secretariats based on number of functionaries working mandal wise/ULB wise
- Step 2: Sort them in descending order of number of functionaries working in Village Secretariats from 11 to down and Ward Secretariats from 10 to down.
- Step 3: Identify the Deficit Secretariats with number of functionaries presently working and vacant Designations.
- Step 4: Summate the vacancies of each designation in the above deficit secretariats and arrive at the number of Functionaries to be moved from surplus secretariat into deficit Secretariats to make the number of Functionaries working as 8.
- Step 6: Move the required number of functionaries from the Surplus Secretariats into the deficit secretariats.
While moving the functionaries:
- The designation moved shall be the same.
- Secretariats with 8 functionaries shall not be considered for transfers.
- Only surplus and deficit shall be considered.
- Only one way movement from surplus secretariat to deficit secretariat is allowed.
- Reverse order of seniority (junior most at the top and the senior most at the bottom) in each designation shall be considered as priority while moving from surplus to deficit.
Priority order of designations to be shifted is as follows:
a. Rural
Priority 1: Welfare and Education Assistant / Ward Welfare and Development Secretary (WWDS).
Priority 2: Grama Mahila Samrakshana Karyadarsi (GMSK) (Mahila Police)
Priority 3: Digital Assistant
Priority 4: Panchayat Secretary Grade VI
b. Urban:
Priority 1: Ward Welfare and Development Secretary
Priority 2: Ward Women and Weaker Section Protection Secretary (Mahila Police)
Priority 3: Ward Education and Data Processing Secretary
NOTE: The Designations of Agriculture Assistant / Horticulture / Sericulture Assistant. Animal Husbandry, Fisheries Assistant ANM / Ward Health Secretary Energy Assistant are not disturbed.